Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Copley Square Boston

The response to AFSC’s Eyes Wide Open exhibit here in the Boston area during the Democratic convention has been far beyond our expectations. People – including convention delegates - have flocked to it, grieving at the losses of Iraqi civilians and the now more than 900 U.S. troops cruelly sacrificed there. The media, including national networks like ABC, newspapers from USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, Newsday, international press from Japan to Cuba, and dozens of independent documentary film makers have given us coverage and filmed and reported on the exhibit.

Last night’s candle light rally at Copley Square, with Eyes Wide Open and September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrow’s monument to the unknown civilian victims of war was stirring, sober, and very successful. Speakers included members of Military Families Speak Out, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Sept. 11 Families, Agneta Norberg from the Swedish Peace Council, City Councilman Chuck Turner, Phyllis Bennis and I spoke. Again, the press was excellent.


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